Bokura ni Namae wo TsukerunaraChapter 8
Drama Romance Yaoi

In the spring of his last year of high school, Izumi Toosaka met his brother, Kaoru Yano. Separated for seven long years following their parents' divorce, the two teenagers now find themselves sharing the same room in the dormitory. A deep voice, dyed red hair, an adult look and a different last name ... Kaoru changed so much that at first Izumi didn't even recognize him! They are supposed to be brothers, members of the same family ... So what could be this feeling that burns in Izumi's chest?

23-ji no Time ShiftChapter 5.5
Adult Mature Smut Yaoi

Mitani Chiharu only gets excited by men. He was letting out his stress by live streaming on the internet using the handle name “Tomo”. One day, Chiharu was approached by his classmate, Sakuma. “You’re Tomo, the one who live streams on an adult site.” Chiharu tried to deny it, but Sakuma striped his pants to check the right thigh for mole and Chiharu couldn’t keep it in and became erect. Getting confused from the sensation received from other persons hand, Chiharu is confessed to by Sakuma.

Futouhen Sankakkei no TeiriChapter 1

A rental store employee has a surprise waiting for him upon taken an customer home.

Boku wa Kimi no IinariChapter 0
Smut Yaoi

The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised. "I'm the only one who gets to see you so filthy, when you're usually so serious." Danno realizes he's gay in junior high school and professes his love to his crush, but is deeply hurt by rejection. Still disgusted by himself in his second year of high school, he ends up falling for another guy that spring. He tries to keep from being found out and to stop his feelings developing any further by pushing away the object of his affections, first-year student Tsukasa. One day, Tsukasa finds Danno jerking off in the nurse's office. "Does it turn you on? Being watched by your crush?" Tsukasa's torturing and teasing makes Danno dizzy with pleasure, robbing him of coherent thought! Sweet discipline of a naughty, submissive second-year, who gets broken in by a mean, crafty, and younger straight boy.